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Generations For Peace

Generations For Peace is a leading global non-profit peacebuilding organisation with its headquarters in Amman, Jordan. We are dedicated to sustainable conflict transformation at the grass roots in communities, by promoting youth leadership, community empowerment, active tolerance, and responsible citizenship. We are a volunteer movement, empowering, mentoring and supporting volunteers to be change-makers to create a better future in their own communities. Since 2007, we have trained and mentored more than 11,400 volunteer leaders of youth in 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. With our support, their ongoing programmes address local issues of conflict and violence, and have touched the lives of more than 525,000 children, youth and adults. We use sport as an entry point to engage with youth, and our carefully-facilitated sport-based games provide a vehicle for integrated education and behaviour change. Generations For Peace is the only peace-through-sport organisation officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee. In addition to our sport-based approaches, we have also developed arts, advocacy, dialogue, and empowerment activities to support conflict transformation with children, youth, and adults in different contexts. Generations For Peace has developed a unique curriculum and cascading model for training carefully-selected volunteer leaders of youth, and mentoring and supporting them to implement sustained activities for children, youth and adults to address issues of cultural and structural violence in their own community. Contexts include: inter-tribal, inter-ethnic, and inter-religious violence; gender inequality; post-conflict trauma response, reconciliation and reintegration; exclusion of minorities including IDPs, refugees and people with a disability; and challenges of integration in multi-cultural societies. Conflict sensitivity, and the full participation and empowerment of girls and women, are integrated into our approach. We are committed to robust measurement and evaluation of our programmes to support our learning and innovation, to identify best practices, and to demonstrate impact and sustainability. Our Generations For Peace Institute has partnerships with the University of Oxford, Uppsala University, United States Institute of Peace and the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation. The research evidence shows programme outcomes and impacts which include: reductions in different forms of violence; increased resilience and capacity to manage conflict in non-violent ways; strengthened ability to break-out of cycles of violence; reduced vulnerability to violent extremism; changes in attitudes and shattering of stereotypes; greater understanding, respect and trust between different tribes, ethnic groups, religions, genders, and minorities; strengthened social cohesion, social capital and social networks; greater gender equality and empowerment of girls and women; greater volunteerism, youth engagement, and responsible citizenship. Founded by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan in 2007, Generations For Peace is currently ranked “#29 in the Top 500 NGOs in the World" by NGO Advisor (making us the #3 Peacebuilding NGO and #2 Anti-Violence NGO in the world, and the top-ranked NGO in the Arab world). Their ranking is based on an assessment of innovation, impact, sustainability and good governance. In simple terms, over the last twelve years we have achieved rapid global growth; we have learned an enormous amount and gone through "proof of concept", developing our approach in different contexts, and demonstrating the success, impact and sustainability of our model. Our work can be seen as directly implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 2250 (recognising the positive role youth play in building sustainable peace, and the need for governments and other stakeholders to support the participation of young people in conflict transformation, peace building and countering violence) and 1325 (on the pivotal role women should and do play in conflict management, conflict resolution and sustainable peace). Support for our programmes, research and development comes from excellent partnerships with UNICEF, UN Women, UNDP, the governments of the United States, the European Union and Germany, and local and international NGOs, the Jordan Olympic Committee, Olympic Council of Asia, Olympic Refuge Foundation and International Basketball Foundation, and with corporate partners including Samsung (our partner since 2008), Orange and Manaseer Group. Read the story of our first 10 years “From Passion to Impact” here.