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Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization
Azmi Mufti Camp (Huson), Irbed
Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization, based at Azmi Mufti Camp also known as Huson Camp in Bani Obaid District within Irbid Governorate, was established in 2008 and is registered with the Ministry of Social Development under No. 1718. Al-Zuhour is committed to provide in-kind, awareness raising campaigns and development-oriented initiatives to the local community. To this end we have a database of names and addresses of around 200 poor and needy families sponsored by the organization, including about 70 Syrian families and holders of Palestinian documents. These families are distributed in Azmi Mufti Camp and the towns of Huson, Sareeh, N'eimeh and Eidoun. Although, we are based at Azmi Mufti Camp (Huson Camp), our mandate, as stated in The Articles of Association, includes all towns in Bani Obeid District which include Huson, Sareeh, Eidon, N'eimeh, Kitem, Shatana in addition to Azmi Mufti Camp. Out of this commitment we implemented in Azmi Mufti Camp in 2016 an environmental awareness project with the collaboration of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Camp Services Committee and the relevant civil society organizations in the camp which lasted for ten months. More than 1500 youth, girls and housewives got direct and indirect benefit from this project. The project's main themes included educational and awareness lectures and public clean-up campaigns in all 4 Blocks of the Camp. All male and female activists used to take part in these campaigns, particularly young men and women. Throughout the project period we stressed on raising environmental awareness particularly among housewives where an activist woman specializes in family social guidance used to deliver lectures on the best ways to get rid of household waste by putting it in tightly-sealed plastic bags and then place it in the nearby containers allocated for this purpose. In addition to focusing on the health and environmental hazards resulting from leaving these household wastes scattered in all directions which constitutes an unhealthy and uncivilized phenomenon. In the same year, Al-Zuhour implemented another project to strengthen political engagement particularly among young men and women, especially with regard to raising the level of turn out in the parliamentary, municipal elections and the provincial councils (decentralization) so to elect the most qualified and competent candidate regardless of any other considerations. The project was implemented with the collaboration of TAKAMOL Organization and lasted for five months. Around 900 male and female young persons got direct and indirect benefit from the project. In 2018, we carried out a pioneering project to combat drug addiction and trafficking with the collaboration of Anti-Narcotics Police and the Ministry of Health's Addiction Treatment Center. The project which lasted for 10 months was sponsored by UNDP. Throughout the project period we managed to spread out awareness among residents and drew their attention to keep an eye and observed the behavior of their sons and daughters mainly from the bad friends. We also managed to treat and rehabilitate several drug addicts and traffickers. It should be noted herein that the project was carried out with the collaboration of several sister organizations in the region mainly Huson-based Christian Young Women Association and Kitem-based Kitem Charity Organization. Throughout the project the Anti-Narcotics Officers that whoever drug addict or trafficker hands himself voluntarily to them will be treated free of charge, with top secrecy and will be acquitted from legal penalties. Whereas any person caught red-handed will be referred to the State Security State whose verdicts are final and irrevocable. After concluding the project, we used to hold regular workshops with the collaboration of the Anti-Narcotics Police to warn people on the dangers and consequences of this pandemic. In addition, Al-Zuhour Organization for Social Development used to hold workshops and seminars around the year, aimed to promote political involvement, human rights, women's and children's rights, combating AIDS, breast cancer, rationalizing water uses and encouraging voters to exercise their right to choose their representatives in the local, municipal and provincial councils (decentralization). According to the criterion of competence and professionalism away from any other considerations, noting that all these activities were held in cooperation with the relevant official and non-governmental bodies, including the Ministries of Health, Water and Irrigation and the General Food and Drug Corporation. All above events were carried out with the collaboration of private, public and government institutions. As part of our commitment to serve the local community, we also used to carry out free medical days, the most recent of which was organized with the collaboration King Abdullah Ibn Al-Hussein Hospital and an other free medical day which was carried out with the collaboration of the Amman-based Al-Isra Hospital. Most recently we reached a cooperation agreement with the Norwegian Refugee Council NRC to train young men and women on various disciplines and courses (success passport), were the first batch of trainees was graduated on Oct 17th, 2019. An other similar course was held on Nov 1st, 2019 and the second batch of trainees was concluded on Nov. 16, 2019. Cooperation with NRC will continue in the next year out of our commitment to provide better serves to the local community.