The willingness to use or support violence to further particular political, social, economic or religious beliefs can be found in all societies and is typically described as a very “male” phenomenon. The role of women in such extremist movements is often neglected or reduced to the passive role of being victims. But women have been taking part in extremist and violent movements throughout history. On the other hand, they have also always played an important part in preventing and countering radicalisation and violent extremism. The present study focuses on these active roles of women: as perpetrators or supporters of extremist violence and as actors in prevention and countering efforts. In exemplifying and describing these roles, the study concentrates on the yet underexplored part that women play in jihadist movements. The focus here is often on domestic chores and raising their children according to the jihadist ideology, but their roles encompass much more than this and also include for instance professional positions (such as doctors, administrators, teachers) and acting as recruiters/propagandists and/or fundraisers. Furthermore, women can be powerful propaganda assets, particularly when Western women join the group or when their willingness to use violence is used to shame men into participating in jihad. Finally, women have also taken up operational roles and have been involved in carrying out militant operations themselves, including suicide attacks. For all these reasons, women are playing a fundamental role in sustaining and propagating the jihadist ideology and thus form an integral part of jihad.