Since its establishment, Jordan has aspired to become a driver of peace and security in the region. Since the 1940s, the country has overcome several challenges related to ongoing instability in the Middle East—ranging from wars, occupations and political coups in neighbouring countries, to the repercussions of the Arab Spring that began in 2011. Jordan, however, has succeeded in transforming these challenges into opportunities, establishing a stable country capable of providing its citizens with education, employment and the participation of both men and women in relief and recovery efforts. This was possible despite political challenges, scarce natural resources and the significant recent influx of refugees. Today Jordan is positioned among the region’s leading countries in terms of cultural diversity and political stability. The (2018-2021) Jordanian National Action Plan (JONAP) for advancing the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325), and its subsequent resolutions, was developed to respond to the country’s latest security and military challenges. It is in line with Jordan’s commitments to promote and respect human rights, justice, equality and participation—all of which are embodied in various national frameworks, such as The National Strategy for Jordanian Women (2013-2017) and The Comprehensive National Plan for Human Rights (2016-2025). The JONAP for advancing the implementation of UNSCR 1325 aims to integrate a gender-based approach towards women’s participation in prevention and protection processes during conflicts, as well as in peace building, and maintaining stability and sustainable security.