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Dealing with radicalization in a prison and probation context RAN P&P - practitioners working paper
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National prison and probation systems are rapidly becoming more involved in radicalisation leading to violent extremism. The prison environment, in particular, can be a potential breeding ground for radicalisation. However it should be emphasized that prison is not the main incubator for radicalisation. More importantly, both prison and probation systems are strong partners in deradicalisation/disengagement, rehabilitation and resettlement. Radicalisation leading to violent extremism is not a new phenomenon for prison and probation, but the current scale of the problem, together with the growing numbers of extremist offenders (especially foreign fighters) calls for reflection on existing perspectives, measures and interventions. This paper aims to provide oversight of – and insight into – the current line of thinking amongst European prison and probation practitioners, and to give advice to support decision making processes5 . It does not aim to be fully comprehensive, but to provide a framework for policy makers, prison governors and probation staff that could inspire them in meeting challenges. A one-size-fits-all solution does not exist as the legislation and the prison and probation systems differ between EU Member States